Update Your Blog Regularly To Get Amazing Benefits :D
Daily updated blogs grow rapidly in blog-o-sphere and attain extra benefits too in compare to rarely updated blogs. In this post we’ll discuss about the 5 reasons why we should update our blog regularly. I hope you would like to read it.
5 Reasons Why Blogging Daily is Important
Daily blogging means working daily for blog to update it regularly with unique and original content that attract readers. Below are major benefits of blogging daily as compare to rarely updated blogs.
1# Search Engine Ranking
When we update our blog on daily basis, it starts gaining trust of search engines. And this is the most important factor to gain higher ranking in search results.
Search engines loves daily updated blogs and shows their content high in search results. So, always focus to update your blog as frequent as possible.
2# Improve Indexing Rate
Many times my readers ask me the solution to improve their blog’s indexing rate. They told me that their articles are not getting index in search engines even after several days.
The main reason behind this is only the frequency at which they update their blog. If we daily publish articles on our blog then search crawlers will visit our blog regularly to crawl and index our latest content. Through which we can get higher indexing rate for our blog.
Improve your blog’s indexing rate by submitting your blog sitemap to Google, Bing and Yahoo.
- Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google
- Submit Blogger Sitemap To Bing and Yahoo
3# Build Solid Readership
Readers always like to read blog regularly they love the most. They visit those blogs in the hope to get newly published content written for them by the blog owner.
If we publish interesting content on our blog regularly then we can easily increase our readership trust and blog authority.
Our readers will visit our blog more often for updated content and we can easily build solid readership around our blog.
Previously I had discussed 2 killer posts to improve blog readership. You must follow those tips to become a successful and smart blogger. Check below mentioned post.
- Improve Your Blog Readership Tremendously
- Increase Your Blog Readership More Effectively
4# Boost Our Alexa Ranking
There are many ways to improve alexa ranking but the simplest factor is that if we gain traffic from those users who have installed Alexa Toolbar in their browser then we could boost our Alexa Ranking super fast.
Updating blog frequently increases our blog traffic and chances become higher to land Alexa Toolbar users on our blog. That could boost Alexa ranking of our blog URL.
In starting days of my blog, I used to update my blog as often as possible that gives my blog’s alexa rank a boost in just 2 months. You must read the complete story.
- How I Boost My Alexa Ranking in Just 2 Months?
5# Attract Advertisers
Advertisers look for daily updated blogs having impressive alexa ranking and page rank. If we daily publish quality content, then we can gain high Google Page Rank for our blog. In this way we can easily attract more and more advertisers to our blog for selling ad spots.
More advertisers mean more income from our blog. And after satisfying our readers, make money from blog is our main goal. Right?
Check below post for a killer trick to increase your Google Page rank and attract more advertisers to your blog
- Killer Trick To Increase Google Page Rank
Summary Points
Why we should update our blog regularly and what are the benefits of daily blogging?- It helps to improve ranking of blog posts in search engines.
- Gives us higher indexing rate and build search engines trust.
- Surefire way to build solid blog readership.
- Increase Alexa Ranking and Google Page Rank.
- Attract numberless readers that give us high traffic.
- Increase blog revenue by attracting advertisers towards our blog.
The conclusion of this post is only that if there are lots of benefits of updating our blog regularly then we must focus on this strategy. Although Content is always KING that can help us to become a successful blogger.Share your experience and views with me about daily blogging and what benefits you are getting from it.
Hope you would like this article and please don’t forget to share it.
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